


Webcams are all angry. It is unusual to see a laptop that already does not include an. When video chat sessions were in their childhood, there was one and it was unusual to find those who were extortion in their value. Undoubtedly, you can now find one for medium quality, and they guarantee a lot of fun.


Cameroids are a web application that lets you take photos using your webcam. But it is not just an application to take the picture, but the images come with a range of effects that give an extra artistic or humorous touch.


You have a great choice of effects, which include: color changes, distortions, filters, etc, although the most outstanding options are background and frames.


As long as the frame goes, you can extend the snapshot to a frame; For the background, you can put face on the body of the bag, Mona Lisa, a warrior...


If you want to create a funny picture and you have your webcam, Cameroids is completely free and provides online photo storage so that you can upload photos to forums or social networks. Of course, you can save photos as a JPG file to your hard drive.

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