

14.17 for iPhone
The official YouTube application is here

YouTube is the official application from Internet number one video portal, thanks to that you can see all your favorite videos from a specially designed interface on your iOS device.


Enjoy the site's extensive video catalog from your hand pump, official music videos from home video start with some of the few hottest bands in the world.


You have two options for videos; you can type your query or speak to the iPhone's microphone.


You can vote on videos, read and comment, and enable subtitles from the app - in other words, virtually any activity that you typically do on YouTube's web browser version, including sharing a video via Google, Facebook, or Twitter.


YouTube is an invaluable app for registered YouTube users who actively upload videos, by commenting and voting, and otherwise participating in the active community of video portals.

How to enable new restriction mode on YouTube

Youtube has already received a parental control mode, but it is true that this restriction is too much for most people because it blocks any content that is inappropriate for lightweight kids. To provide a less robust alternative, they have introduced a new limited mode, which automatically hides the content according to user's accuracy.

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YouTube has added fast rewind and fast-forward gestures to recent application updates

You can easily get YouTube videos freely in their smartphone app, although to be honest, an option has been selected to add a video before, it does not always work well. Fortunately, the latest application updates have reminded our poor users and added gesture control to quick-forward or rewind easily through the clip.

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Google's Android VO Headset goes to DeDrim's name

Virtual reality is not the "next best thing in technology." It is already alive and tugging in between us. In fact, Google has prepared a complete weapon of native and third-party applications so that they can call the upcoming VR system's upcoming entrance (for now) only and are compatible with other compatible devices like Android 7 and Pixel. This group of apps was designed to work with their own VR headsets (originally a deluxe version of Google Cardboard), and enables users to relax comfortable with gyroscopic sensors, with their remote control in their in-house experience.

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