What is your mental age

What is your mental age



Compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

What is your mental age? A weird application for iPhone and iPod Touch, which lets you know how mature you are by answering a few simple questions.


The questions have been quite varied, and what goes on as meaning as living as easy as living with you (parents, roommates, and partners) for your life (for your enjoyment of every minute, any meaning, etc.).


In this way, by answering a few simple questions using your finger, you will finally find your results that tell you what your mental age is. However, while using it you may change it several times.


What is your mental age? This is not a particularly useful app and probably your device will be installed for only a few minutes. Yet, it is not bad for several times to experiment with your friends and to smile a few.


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Free 3.4.1 Movisol
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