Acertijos para Genios

Acertijos para Genios

Collection of riddles to sharpen the mind

Puzzle and logic games are always one of the most popular games, and most likely we show them on a regular basis with their friends, family or even at the office.


As well as entertaining, these games are pushing you to answer your answers to each answer, helping to sharpen your significance. Acertijos para Genios (Genius for Riddles) is a collection of problems and tricks created with this intention.


In Paris for Acertijos we will ask two parts of the question which is a very simple interface, a written and a graphical part (which will sometimes turn to be essential). The question and answer collection is quite broad and you can select directly from the right margin drop-down menu on the screen.


The simplicity of the interface can make Genius as well as a suitable game for young people as well as adults, and there is no technical requirement. So you want to wake the sleeping mind, this game is for you.

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