zsKnight y _Demo_
The best Super Nintendo console emulator

Some Nintendo, 16-bit game consoles are also known as Super Nes and SNes that appeared before 90 degrees and some of the famous games in history have maintained interest among some of its fans and thanks to them we can enjoy this great SNES emulator that will play our PC SNES games. Allows.


Bust-A-move, Super Mario Cart, Street Fighter 2, Castlevaner, Final Fantasy 4 or Gelda are just a small part of the cool game that you can thank for ZSNES, probably the best SNS emulator we tested.


It is extremely easy to use. You must only run ZSNES and select the folder where your ROM has saved. ZSNES lets you configure the keyboard and choose the number of players. It has good video and audio quality features, so if you look back in the 90's and want to play those favorite 16-bit games, it's a really good choice.

More Information

License Version Developer
GNU zsnes-1-51-windows-10-compatible.zip zsKnight y _Demo_


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