Ads Blocker

Ad Blocker is a tool with which you can avoid all kinds of advertising on the Internet without having to manage complex configuration does not. Get rid of all types of media, all you have to do is to activate this tool.
This tool, no matter their level of experience with all kinds of users in mind, designed so simple and easy to use. It acts as an extension for Google Chrome, so if you want to use it, you need to use the browser. Once enabled, it will automatically block banner ads from websites you visit, so you can read the content that you like without any annoying distractions.
Best feature of this tool is that it also blocks pop-ups, so you open the website without seeing any ads, annoying pop-ups that are not also see what your life would be impossible. Ad blockers, including Internet browsing experience a calm and do not see another ad again.
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License | Version | Developer |
Free | 3.3.1 | Ads Blocker |