

Burger King

The Simpsons is one of the world's best known and most visited series, and now the fan-base of this famous Matt Greening series can use a service that can enter at least one fan head: be able to create a personal Springfield letter, in other words, your own, Springfield-style


'It's good to be yellow' is one thing that can be heard by several fans to announce. 'How much would it be a Simpsons fan personalized their photo for Matt Groening to resemble one of Springfield characters? Bert, Homer, Lisa, Mr. Barnes, Millhouse ... each of them could be a new companion.


The process is very simple. To analyze your picture in order to analyze your own picture and to offer a drawing of a Springfield character like your own photo, you only need to access one site, especially the passport-type.


Once you analyze the snapshot in Simpsons, you will be shown the 'Simpson Animated Character' from the results of your photo, which may be changed by the user instead, nose, ears, hair, skin tone, and t-shirt and trousers color and style ... you even have a Apart from wine barrels, you can dress yourself and join by a pet.


SimpsonizeMe is undoubtedly the web app that should visit every Simpsons fan.

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Burger King


100 Happy Days
100 Happy Days


You can take the challenge at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Email.




Using the official site plugin, you can add the whiteboard to your website.




Free trial accounts allow 30 minutes of access to the live section and 100 minutes for automatic screen capturing or acceptance.

Color Scheme Designer
Color Scheme Designer


Flash is needed

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