Pokémon Omega Online

Pokémon Omega Online

Pokémon Omega - Online Pokémon

Pokémon Omega is online, its name indicates, a multiplayer roll-based game based on Pokémon's universe. In this game, you will be the best trainer in the world by competing against other trainers online and capturing wild Pokémons.


To get started, you must register on the website. Once you do, the inevitable step of creating your character comes later, you can choose the name and appearance you can choose. Finally, you will have to decide which peakon you want to start with, choose from Classic Charmers, Scratchlays or Bulbulsaura.


Once your character is created, you can head over to the world map, which you can move with the mouse cursor and where you can chat with missions, war, other characters, supply purchases or just turn around


Just like ordinary Pokemon games, you can try to take part in the war against wild Pokemon or capture them. First you have to attack them with their own pokemon and weaken them a little, so that you can turn on your POBball later and catch them.


Graphically, Pokémon Omega Online is just as big as its game board version. This does not mean that it has bad graphics, only that they are very easily with a charming retro touch.


Pokémon Omega Online is a highly fun and all addicting online rol game that will be fond of popular Nintendo franchise fans. This multiplayer version of Pokémon can be supplied with an amount of amount that is endless.

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