Ratchet & Clank Todos para Uno 8-Bit

Ratchet & Clank Todos para Uno 8-Bit

Insomniac Games

Ratchet and Clank back on the console, this time the PlayStation 3, but their new video generation console comes with an explosion from the past their appearance:


An 8-bit fight with a retro feeling that many people want is that alcohol vintage that gives it


The game is simple and fun. You chose one of the four available characters: Ratchet, Klunk, Kvarac or Nifiasi and you write a platform where the enemies start coming to you with waves.


To get rid of everything that comes with hatches next to your goal, you form a team with another 3 characters and your goal will be to have a weapon similar to that of your bird's name, such as Vibinator, Warmer, Pioro Blast, or Frost Arrows.

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