Clever Elements

Clever Elements

Clever Elements


Free 30 day trial version.

Clear Element A 100% online bulletin editor that lets you combine information that you want to send to your clients or contacts with a beautiful design, without installing a bit. After registering, you can access the Design section, where you will find many different templates to customize as desired. Click on different items to change their content, whether it is image or text.


By cleverly cleansing changes that you create and save the design preview, it is capable of sending bulletin tests and an email with a preview version of those responsible for sending it to the clients. Its very intuitive interface will make it really easy for you to follow the steps necessary to create the publication. Thousands of alternatives will not be lost; With this application, you always have the sections you need.


Thanks to this online software, the design factor will never be a problem again and your bulletins will be more effective than ever before.


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License Version Developer
Trial 2.0.4 Clever Elements


Adobe Buzzword
Adobe Buzzword


The free version only lets you upload 5 documents for editing.



Free trial for 15 days



- Available languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Turkish and Chinese.


- New members have free access to premium features for seven days.

Clever Elements
Clever Elements


Free 30 day trial version.

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