


Pix.ie is an online platform to share your photos with a secure network. It saves your photos so your computer crashes if you do not lose everything.


Uploading photos at Pix.ie is very easy, just register for free on their website and select the images that you want to display on the platform. Then you can organize, tag and share your photos with all the friends. If you want to share your work to the rest of the world, you can mark your photos as public.


On the network, you can vote on your favorite photos and comment, create friends and explore other public albums on the site. If you like photography, then you would like this portal.


The great thing about Pix.ie is that it allows you to control your photos privacy. You can set your album however you choose: public, private, or protected. Thanks to those filters, you can add friends with Pix's friends without worrying about anything in the family, since you may have different privacy settings for your own separate album or even personal photos.


This web application limits your uploads to 500 MB per month, which gives you 6 GB of sharing all the photos you like.

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Free Pix.ie


100 Happy Days
100 Happy Days


You can take the challenge at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Email.




Using the official site plugin, you can add the whiteboard to your website.




Free trial accounts allow 30 minutes of access to the live section and 100 minutes for automatic screen capturing or acceptance.

Color Scheme Designer
Color Scheme Designer


Flash is needed

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