


Many times you need to place yourself a website together, design a poster, or look for any other project that you plan to publish. Using the Internet on the Internet can be both simple and complex, because not all of them can be used.


Pexels is a web platform that stores thousands of high quality images with a Creative Commons license so that you can use them without violating any type of copyright.


Without this service, to be really useful, it is very easy to use. On its main interface, you will find a search bar where you will type a hashtag which is the idea behind the image you are looking for: food, travel, technology ... and when you enter the gallery for your tag, you will see.


That said, Pexels only works in English, so all hashtags must be typed in that language. You will find some examples below the search engine bar.


Once you have chosen the image, you have to do this to choose what you like and you can download it using the 'Download for Free' option. Plus, you can see all image tags, as well as the parameters that are taken.

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100 Happy Days
100 Happy Days


You can take the challenge at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Email.




Using the official site plugin, you can add the whiteboard to your website.




Free trial accounts allow 30 minutes of access to the live section and 100 minutes for automatic screen capturing or acceptance.

Color Scheme Designer
Color Scheme Designer


Flash is needed

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