


Tuenti is a social network that originated in Spain by various ways to interact with your friends and permits.


First of all, you are a friend who is already a member of the community will be invited to enter.


Once you've created your account, you can search for friends network, and you Hotmail, Yahoo and Gmail, like other social networks can take advantage of your contact list.


Once you've added them to check out their ass friends, wait until they accept and start sharing your life with them.


Tuenti If you have a blog, photo gallery, message boards, personal data and information is available about her. Any use of these data in view of the privacy settings "can be hidden from other users is only visible to friends', 'Only visible to friends and friends of friends', visible to all users.


One of the most popular of its features photos and tag friends who appear in them, there is the possibility to upload, the application recognizes members and shows them the pictures on the wall.


Of course, you commented on the photo, you can create events, and much more.


It's about sharing your life with your friends and have a really good time, photos, and more, a great social network to share events.


Finally, you can use the built-in Tuenti can chat with them.

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Chat with your contacts on any computer without installing any IM Client
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