

4.2.8 for iPhone

Flipboard is a personalized digital magazine that you can customize according to your favorite blogs and social media sites.


It's easy to use: Once you've created your account, you can add social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and Flickr, as well as RSS feeds to your favorite blogs and news sites.


As a result, material presentation is a traditional magazine style. In other words, Twitter, for example, can show a tweet with a link to a website, and the flipboard will include tweets, links, website titles, a photo and the beginning of the article. If you want to see more, then press the category to access the entire category.


To move pages to your flipboard, you will need to swipe your finger across the screen, with a physical magazine like you. Of course, the difference between the two that flipboard is just in line with your interests.


Flipboard is a wonderful tool that lets you like your opinion in a comfortable, accessible way. Just open the application (as long as you're connected to the internet) and start reading through your selected publications.

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Free 4.2.8 for iPhone Flipboard


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