Dragon Ball Kart

Dragon Ball Kart


Dragon Ball is a mix of cart platforms and a racing game in which you must use a dragon ball to win a race cart from the universe.


If you have your Goku at your disposal, Piccolo, Vegeta and Mr. The devil Four bits are as fast and have a similar power, so your only choice will depend on which character you prefer.


Gameplay is very easy, because your car runs automatically. You only worry about throwing dodging and throwing dozens of ways that your opponent "Kamehameha" faces your competitors' challenge.


The game consists of five different tracks. Each of them represents a mythological setting of the series, going from master Rocheri's house, the prediction city of Name and Bulma.


Dragon Ball Cart is a very delightful game, Sega will have a good time if it does not last long.

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Free Jarkey.Net
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