Tick Tock Isle

Tick Tock Isle

Jason Boyer

Tik Talk Aile is a 2D adventure platform game where you play strikes, a young engineer who has sent in a strange accident in the past and leaked by the machine he has traveled and returned to his time.


Gameplay is very easy. With the mouse, you can pick up tasks using sorting and objects, when you use the keyboard arrows to move your character from left to right and jump. Also, you can use the mouse to access a list of all the objects you have collected.


Tick ??talk is a beautiful graphics with 16-bit era's memorable Pixelate designs. Plus, there are many details in the details of the settings, helping you feel thoroughly submerged in the game.


Tic Talk Aile Many fun games with a charm. This is suitable for all ages because of both gameplay and its stories. It is particularly enjoyable if you love the stories about travel time.

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Demo Jason Boyer
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